Shawnee State Senior Capstone
Start Date: 1/8/2024
End Date: 5/3/2025
Third Person
Made in Unreal Engine 5
You are a skilled thief that has been captured and locked in an underground prison. You must solve puzzles and sneak your way our without raising any guards suspicion.
This is the largest project I have worked on and it is still currently in the works. Click the link below to learn more and see my current progress.
Shawnee State Game Jam 2023
Theme: Trust
Time: One Week
Third Person
Dating Sim
Made in Godot
YOU are a cat. Your goal? To catch and eat the legendary Goldfish. Your tools? Fish masks to charm fish into your sneaky paws. Deceive Fish into trusting you through dialogue in order to catch them. Don't let the fish see through your lies!
My Contributions:
- Team organization and task management.
- Setting up the GitHub and fixing merge conflicts.
- Boat rowing mechanics.
- Shop mechanics.
- Money earning and loss mechanics.
Global Game Jam 2024
Theme: Make Me Laugh
Time: 48 hours
Third Person
Casual / Comedy
Made in Godot
You are a sock. A sock puppet one might say. You are trying to achieve your dream of becoming the greatest comedian the sock community has ever seen! Study your audience and pick the right jokes to knock their socks off, or you might end up facing deadly consequences...
My Contributions:
- Audience throwing items based on player performance.
- Randomly spawning audience with correct accessories.
- Audience gives an appropriate response with movement and sound based on the players performance.
- Calculating the players total running score and implementing proper win and lose conditions.
First Person
Simulation / Time Management
Made in Godot
Shawnee State Game Jam 2024
Theme: Trash
Time: 48 hours
You are the owner of Mama's Bear-deneria! You take pride in your cooking, but due to budget cuts you might have to make a few... substitutions. Find the balance between cooking the perfect burger and staying in your budget or face angry customers and bankruptcy!
My Contributions:
- Food cooking mechanics.
- Food assembly mechanics.
- Food judging mechanics.
- Customer order randomization.
Pirate Software Game Jam 2024
Theme: Shadow and Alchemy
Time: 2 Weeks
First Person
Horror / Survival
Made in Godot
You are a mad scientists who attempted to develop a solution know as Nightmare Fuel which has backfired and created a horrible shadowy monster who is now trying to hunt you down. Explore the lab in this first person survival game to find ingredients needed to develop a cure to stop the monster. Watch out! Once this monster gets you it's game over.
My Contributions:
- Potion crafting mechanic.
- Randomly spawning ingredients.
- Camera movement and locking during potion crafting.
- Menu screens and player UI.
- Player death and win mechanics.
Third Person
Made in Unreal Engine 5
Shrouded Ascent Game Jam 2024
Theme: Sticky
Time: One Week
You are a sticky little sucker guy and your only goal is to climb the tower to collect peach rings. Block falling nuts using your trust umbrella to reach your goal!
My Contributions:
- Organizing and running a game jam.
- Completing a solo project in Unreal.
First Person
Horror / Exploration
Made in Godot
Shawnee State Game Jam 2024
Theme: Nightmare
Time: 72 Hours
You are delighted to receive a message from your best friend Jim, asking to meet up for a lovely dinner. What should be a short walk to the cafeteria quickly turns into a confusing and mysterious journey through an odd version of your college campus.
My Contributions:
- Fixing merge conflicts in GitHub.
- Randomized room spawning.
- Assisting my teammates in creating different rooms and the mechanics that go into those.
- First person player character movement.
Third Person
Survival / Time Management
Made in Godot
Global Game Jam 2025
Theme: Bubble
Time: 48 Hours
An asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, and your home is in its path. But there’s hope, you’ve discovered a safety bubble, an amber dome that can protect you from the impending disaster. Your mission: fill the dome with friends and supplies to ensure survival after the crash. Collect food, water, and medicine while navigating a dangerous, contaminated environment. But be careful, if your resources run out or your dome is destroyed, it’s game over. How long can you last
My Contributions:
- Map spawning and regenerating.
- Food and water collection mechanics.
- Sky shaders that change as the asteroid approaches.
- Player in-game UI.
- Resource depletion.
- Game lose conditions.